Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Quiz for Every Emotion

Considering the current events happening in our lives, and the fact that school is over and I have time to do whatever I want...which means nothing productive, I have decided to go snooping around for some fun. This is what I found. I hope you enjoy:
(ps. before you begin - BFF = Best Friend Forever, BF = BoyFriend, BGF = Best Guy Friend...just helping those of you who may be a little out of touch)
---and if you are too lazy to create an account, I suppose you can use mine.
login: password: rcardoso
um, yes, don't ask - I was in junior high

Since most of you are quickly developing romances, I thought this quiz would be of some help...
Are You More Than Just Friends?

And for those of us who are having trouble in the guy department, I thought this could solve some problems (not that we have any, it's them with the problems of course)...
How Do Guys See You?

And for those of us who can't help but preplan your wedding, this one seems fitting...
What Type of Bride Would You Be?

And for those of you who don't like boys, here's one for you...
What Kind of Imaginary Creature Are You?

And mostly I just want to know what all of your results are for this one...
If Your Life Were a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

I hope you had fun pretending you were in high school again. I bet you can't guess what my results are. hahahaha - I hope at least one of you gets the hint. Oh yes, and I do want results back from each of you.

Monday, April 10, 2006

um yes, I think that covers it

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Quest for Something of Importance

So, considering I couldn't think of anything to blog about, I decided to share some pictures that I think you will find amusing. . .

Well hello there hot things
This is at Danielle's wedding. You see these somewhat infamous dresses. Yes, this may be the only time you see me with my shoulders bare and no bra on in public (ps, this does not count in my living area). However, the black shawls and insert things on the neck line were my doing. I know, I am quite the seamstress...not. But it was fun anyway. And Danielle does so not look pregnant in that dress.
Still friends after all these years...or just one

Wow, I didn't think I had a picture with this many of my friends in it (unfortunatly we are missing Becca). I think we all look pretty proud of ourselves. We were in high school. Crazy.

Can you say snap shot?

Frankly I think this picture is too funny to not showcase. This is one of very few pictures of me that I can stand looking at when I'm not all gussied up and posing. My face is just so perplexed. I wonder what I was thinking. And what is Debbie looking at?