...just making sure I can still do math in 2010. apparently I can.
So. new years resolutions. I've mostly just been thinking about all that has happened last year. So much happened, all in one year. A lot bad, but so so so much good. I really think it's been my best year yet. I'm even grateful for the bad stuff. because it made me stronger and led me to the good stuff. I was reading my "new years" post from last year and I realized that I actually did accomplish some of the things that I wanted to (which is extra surprising because I haven't looked at those "goals" probably since I wrote the blog). So, I chose a choice part from each goal to sort of check off to myself (and to you) that I did it.
I wanted to be "'fine with whatever happens in my life because I can be happy no matter what or who is in my life". I feel like I did a pretty good job with this. I found ways to be happy without relying on anyone else but myself. I got to learn more about what I actually enjoy in life. Of course, I also realized how much I need my friends. Friends fill a place in my life that just can't be replaced. I've made so many new friends this year that I hope to keep for life. For this year, I want to work on making the gospel a constant in my life that I can really rely on. Because no matter how lonely and hard life can get, I can always turn to that. And if Heavenly Father can't bring happiness, then nothing can.
I wanted to "maintain this "healthiness"". I must say I'm very impressed that I still look the same as I did last year. I haven't even tried. In fact, I still eat a lot. But I haven't gained any weight (I hate girls like that by the way. ha). So, I guess this year I want to keep it up. Maybe even throw some healthier food in there and maybe even some trips to the gym (....maybe). Actually, another goal this year is to cook more (like actually cook) and eat more fruits and vegetables.
I wanted to "read more books and research more about things I've always wanted to learn about". Yeah, I didn't do too great with this one. I mean, for school I do a boatload of research. But, I wanted to do that stuff when it wasn't for a class. And this year, I even more want to do that. I feel like if I really want a career in the Art History world then I need to prove it. I need to learn as much as possible. If is this really what I love to do, then I should probably be doing it even when I'm not told to. And I want to. I'm just lazy sometimes (ok a lot of times). This year I want to do my own research on things that really interest me. I think I'll enjoy learning a lot more if it's for myself.
I wanted to "stop worrying so much about other people and more about myself" specifically concerning "this whole decision-making problem". Oh decisions, how you haunt my life. Ha. But really. I've done so much better with making my own decisions. Mostly because I told friends about it and so they helped me (and continue to do so :). Granted, I'm still nowhere near where I want to be. But, I've made a lot of progress. And with that came a focus on myself. Not on being selfish. But on (as cheesy as it sounds) listening to what I want. And making decisions based on that and not on what other people want me to do. It's been....weird. But also, nice. This year I want to work on being even better about making decisions and being more assertive. Mostly just, I want to be happy.
So, there's my resolution post. Glad that's out of the way. Now onto an amazing year filled with so many changes and even more fun than last year.
Have a Lovely Weekend.
1 day ago
good post ali. I'm terrible about making decisions for myself/based on what I want as well, I didn't even think of it that way till i read what you wrote.
also, did you notice that after the 2nd to last quotation from your previous blog you didn't make the font larger again, instead you made the last quote even smaller, minuscule, ha ha I thought that was funny.
haha, i definitely didn't realize that. i'm awesome. good one.
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