Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
what've you been doing?
I feel like I've been majorly slacking on my dear blog. SO much has been going on and I haven't really written about any of it. Don't worry, I'm in the midst of repenting. So here's a short recap of my current events...I went to EUROPE!!!! (ok i know that wasn't a secret, but i'm still in shock that it actually happened. best. decision. ever.)

So that's my story :) what've you all been doing???
Song-o-the-Week: One Time by Justin Bieber. It was only a matter of time before he made an appearance on my blog. don't worry i'm not a creeper, i just like music. This is a cool acoustic version.
Posted by smart alec at 6:45 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
hurry up day!
So here i sit at work. I can't wait to go home today. It's just one of those days (wait, everyday is one of those days...). But today I get to go home and eat a delicious leftover Cafe Rio salad (the sweet pork one of course). I like them the day after almost as much as the day of. Weird? probably. but i just love them!
I do have to do homework all night though....that is not so fun. but the good dinner part totally outways poopy homework.
Oh and I found out that I get Friday off! I know i know, the 24th is on Saturday, but BYU is cool like that and wants to make sure we get our fair share of Utah pioneer holidayness. so, woot. now i can finally get some things done. like hang up pictures...and make a super-awesome-lovey-dovey anniversary present. and sleep in, yay!
Posted by smart alec at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
in case you didn't know, i LOVE italy. and i definitely love hugs.
and this video is so cute. plus one for the italians.
Free Hugs in Sondrio, Italy
Posted by smart alec at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
my big fat Greek experience
Study Abroad was non-stop art. We had free time, but mostly our days were packed full. I loved every second of it. First stop was Greece...
We were in Greece for 4 days.
saw some amazing artifacts. loved them.
went to the beach with lovely girls. so beautiful.
saw some huge temples, like the Temple of Zeus. so huge.
Posted by smart alec at 7:45 PM 1 comments