Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm Thinking...

that I am fat and maybe should lose some weight.


micquel said...

Ali, what is this, you crazy loon!? You are lucious just as you are. Lucious!

deb said...

I don't even want to start.

Trisha said...

my dear... i just read on msn last night that a secret turn on for guys is extra padding. You curvacious minx. do not concern yourself with this matter.

Unknown said...

no words to describe the anger

JandB said...

why go on a diet when real food tastes so good? Unless you don't have taste buds, then go for it.

Babs said...

Ali dearest, Ali dearest. Don't let these nonsensical ideas trouble you. They're not true, and not worth it.

Anonymous said...

ok ok ok. I will be honest with you:

You Are Not Fat.

Remember this acronym anytime you feel the pressure and strain of society: YANF.

Oh but I do understand what you are talking about. I have gained 10 whole pounds since I have been home...for like...10 days! haha! I finally started running again and ate a healthy breakfast. Just exercise and cut back on the treats my friend. You're not fat and don't need to lose, but we all know what you are talking about. We are all girls. It does feel better to be healthy. So if you are already healthy, then keep goin, you are doing great.


smart alec said...

I understand what you are all saying, but still. What if I just want to because I do? Simply because I'm not so fond of my extra "padding" - really not fond. I do try to eat healthy, and exercise regularly, but apparently that just isn't cutting it. Maybe I should just forget about it because maybe I just can't do what it takes. And that is just depressing.

Trisha said...

Never give up! Never surrender. Ali, do what will make you happy. If you want to exercise to be more healthy then, by george, do it.

plugalong said...

Diets really suck. They don't work. The stress of keeping a "diet" causes wieght gain. Here is what you do. Eat what you like (making healthy choices in that range - like oh, wheat thins or graham crackers instead of those shortening filled cookies,throwing that fat filled yummy in now and then- but don't go without, oh, no, failure is immenent), excersize(including wieght lifting which is way easier than cardio anyway), and realize everyone looks good in clothes and no one is noticing much about you besides your face. So if you need a pick me up, a new hairstyle and makeup could do it! And if you can't bring yourself to excersize right at first, weed the garden, park far away from the store, learn to rock climb or yoga or something that sounds fun to you.... o.k. so monica preaching theory over. (wait I didn't mention nurse a baby! Oh, hold on that's a bit down the road yet). I'll shut up now.

smart alec said...

well, thanks for all of your input. Now that I have officially freaked everyone out (including myself), I guess all I have to say is...keep me away from too much food, especially the bad stuff. And I will be exercising every day after work if anyone needs me.

Trisha said...

good girl. you know... pilates is fun and easy. i would say join a team sprt so you don't give up as easily but... i like to give up sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!