Yes it's true, I have mono. And no, it is not fun at all. I'm not entirely sure where I got it from, but I'm going to blame our roommate Stephanie who moved out a couple weeks ago because she thought she had it. I guess technically the timing was good enough that I could blame Bryan - and trust me, this is my choice, at least it's somewhat of a good story - but if he had it then I would have gotten it way sooner.
My mom has been amazing and has taken care of me the past few days. I forgot how much I missed staying at her house and seeing her all the time. When I'm sick, there's nothing better than having my mom take care of me. It's somewhat of a comfort food, if you will.
But anyway, it's been pretty miserable the past week. So, when you have mono your spleen swells, making it somewhat painful and uncomfortable to breathe deeply. Also, I've had a fever off and on every day. Probably the main thing right now is the sore throat - severe sore throat. My glands and tonsils are really swollen and it hurts every time I swallow. every time. The worst part is that all of this gets worse when I try to sleep - especially in the throat area - and sleeping is how you're supposed to help get rid of the mono. So I'm up pretty much all night not being able to swallow because it hurts so bad and then I try to relax by taking some deep breaths, but then my side starts hurting so i stop that and then start getting really frustrated because my body is so exhausted from waking up every half hour and it hurts all over and not even the lidocaine they gave me helps my throat stop hurting. Fortunately last night I slept somewhat better and I'm feeling a little better overall, but that's with no work since Saturday and basically laying around all day. So we'll see how it goes after work the rest of this week. I'm really sorry if I've been kind of out of it recently or if I am for the next several weeks. Hopefully I will be back to normal before school starts.
On a better note, I finished The Host last week and I liked it a lot. It took a while for me to get into it, but after that happened I was hooked. There were a few things that I had issues with, but I mostly ignored them. It was really interesting, but kind of weird at the same time. Anyway, I recommend it.
Now I'm reading Eclipse again because the fourth book comes out in August. Alright, now I'm hungry, so I'm going to go make some soup.
Have a Lovely Weekend.
1 day ago
Mono is dumb. And not being able to sleep is the dumbest. I hope you get better soon!
Mono seriuosly sucks! I had it the end of my freshmen year. And the best part is, I was SOOO tired that I fell asleep during one of those end of year state tests. I woke up when the 5 minute timer went off. Yup, true story. I just started filling in all the B bubbles.
However, from my experience, get a lot of sleep, but still go out and do things, even if you don't want to. You will avoid getting depressed by doing so. And then come home and take a nap. Since it was summer when I had it mostly, Casidy and I went running, then I would go home and take a nap. Then I would do chores, and cas and i would go swimming. then I would take a nap. and then we would go for a walk. and then I would take a nap.
Naps = making it through mono.
love you, Al, sorry you are sickly. Let me know if I can help you out in anyway.
oooh, but i forgot. you're not supposed to do those things like hard physical exercise. so if breathing is too hard, obviously don't do them. my dr. told me not to run anymore...but Casidy made me because she didn't believe I really had mono. haha. but what can I say? she helped me through so her disbelief was to my benefit.
Feel better. now.
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