Just a forewarning that this post isn't going to be very upbeat. I am just not having a good week. And I predict that the weekend is going be about the same.
The one good thing - ok there's two. The first is that my laptop is finally usable as of yesterday. I really missed it but it was actually pretty nice not having it because I used to be on it like all the time. So I'm going to try to only use it when necessary, because life is just better when you don't rely on technology as I so often do.
The second thing is that I have been staying the week at Deb's apartment, which has probably been the only thing keeping me from utter despair - ok maybe that's a little strong, I'm not that sad, but it sounds more dramatic, so I'm keeping it. I think the "not living with friends" thing is really starting to get to me. I miss my friends so so so very much. Don't get me wrong, I love my roommates to death, but they're just not the same as my besties.
Ok I'm adding number three to good things. I think this is the first week since I started working at BYU that I will have worked a full 20 hours. So, good for me.
I'm sure you don't want to know all the bad things...but I'll go over a few very briefly:
-I totally failed my Italian Oral Exam basically because of time.
-I probably failed my Italian quiz today even though I studied
-I might not get my job back if I go to Larke's for the summer, which just breaks my heart.
-To save you all from an extremely long explanation, I am extremely - and I mean extremely - confused concerning boys, which also is breaking my heart.
-Because I haven't had my laptop I have fallen very behind in research for all my papers.
Ok, I'm adding a fourth good thing just so I can think of something happy. Last night at Deb's we all slept in the living room and watched Alladin and Beaty and the Beast, two of my favorite Disney movies. It was great.
I just want to know when things are going to start getting better. Last week was so good, but it took a complete drop this week. And I really don't want next week to be the same.
Oh I almost forgot about the song of the week. I guess I'll choose Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson. It's off her new album which came out this week. I haven't listened to all of it, but this song sounds good.
19 hours ago
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