Monday, July 06, 2009

I want a Stars Hollow

I've always wanted to live in a small town. Something about them just feels so homey. Whenever I watch Gilmore Girls I wish I lived in Stars Hollow.

I want a gazebo in the middle of town where all the events take place. Fourth of July breakfast, Easter Egg hunts, carnivals.

I especially want a place like Luke's, where everyone goes for some good food, the place to hang out.

Town meetings sound like quite the fun time in my book. A good place to make decisions and possibly get a good laugh.

And yes, I even want a town troubadour, not only because I love hearing the guitar, but well, who doesn't love a good troubadour?

When I "grow up" I fully intend to find a good ol' small town and settle in for some good times.


maremee said...

Oh my goodness. First...I've been watching the last season and we should discuss. Second ... I always say after almost every episode how I want to live in a Stars Hollow.