Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a pet peeve

when someone is writing on a whiteboard and, 
instead of using the provided eraser, 
they for some unknown reason 
erase with their finger/hand/any part of their body.
Does this bother anyone else?
I mean, the eraser is there for a reason.
Do you know how many hand oils you leave on the whiteboard?
Not to mention all the dry-erase marker residue that is left on your hand? (and sometimes people forget and touch their face, leaving marker all over their face.)
It could all just so easily be avoided if they would just use the eraser.

Ok I'm done ranting for the day :)  
Do you guys have weird pet peeves?


maremee said...

um that is totally one of my pet peeves. Seriously people, it's gross. Use the provided eraser.

Maria said...

Hahahaha! YES Ali! But just think when they get the residue on their faces its so fun to just look at and secretly mock in your head!

Kasey Strong said...

yes, i have pet peeves. i hate when people chew with their mouths open, it's disgusting. and i also hate when people say "heighTH" because it is "heighT". thanks for giving me an opportunity to vent about that.